As a freelancer, you are normally responsible for taking out your own insurance. The three most common insurances are: corporate liability insurance, accident insurance and disability insurance.

But at YoungOnes, we believe that all workers, regardless of the type of work, should be protected against accidents or if there is damage/injury to third-parties. For gigs through YoungOnes, you are insured for liability and accidents at no cost. Disability insurance has been added to the insurance since January 1st 2024.

You are insured against liability and absence from work through YoungOnes, for example due to an accident (disability), but also bereavement leave or family leave is insured in certain cases.

What do you have to do for that? 

You don't have to do anything to activate the insurance. You are insured by default when you perform a gig through YoungOnes. You are insured against liability and absence from work through YoungOnes, for example due to an accident (disability), but also bereavement leave or family leave is insured in certain cases. You are insured from the moment you have a verified account.

If you want to submit a claim or view the insurance conditions, you need to create an account with Onsi.

Have questions about Onsi' insurance? Check all their information on their website or email [email protected].