As a freelancer, you can take advantage of the Small Businesses Scheme (kleineondernemersregeling, KOR). With the Small Businesses Scheme, you get a VAT (btw) exemption. No more VAT is added on your invoices, so the turnover tax (omzetbelasting) does no longer apply to you.

As a freelancer, it is your own responsibility to pass this on properly. Enter in the app whether you use the Small Businesses Scheme and from when. Pay close attention to the dates and the year. 

Did you enter the wrong date, causing your invoices to be incorrect? Then two situations can arise:

  • You have received VAT when you should not have received it.
  • You have not received VAT, however, you should have received it.

In both cases, you can contact us by filling out the contact form on the site. Click here for the contact form.